Medtronic Bowel Control Therapy
Chronic fecal incontinence, or the inability to control bowel movements, causes stool (feces) to leak unexpectedly from the rectum. For some people, it may only occur during an occasional case of diarrhea, but for others, it is a chronic or recurring condition. When conservative fecal incontinence treatment plans fail or don’t relieve your symptoms, there is an alternative.
North Shore Gastroenterology offers Medtronic Bowel Control Therapy delivered by the InterStim™ system to correct the bowel-brain communication pathway that helps control the symptoms of chronic fecal incontinence.
This therapy:
- Targets the nerves that control your bowel to help it function normally again
- Is clinically proven to stop or greatly reduce bowel accidents
- Delivers significant and lasting improvement to people with chronic fecal incontinence
- Is the only therapy that lets you see if it works before you and your doctor decide
Chronic Fecal Incontinence Treatment in Westlake & Brooklyn, OH
If you or a loved one is experiencing fecal incontinence and want to learn more about Medtronic Bowel Control Therapy, call North Shore Gastroenterology at (440) 808-1212 to schedule a consultation with one of our GI doctors in Westlake and Brooklyn, Ohio, or use our convenient online appointment request form.